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Getting clients and customers online - Johannesburg
Tuesday, 26 April 2022
Item details
Johannesburg, Gauteng
Offer type:
R 950
Item description
The reason that Lions remain successful hunters is because they hunt in a pride(group of lions) . Everybody in the pride play their role same in business. The reason you are in business is that you don't want to be held hostage by inflation. Just like lion/lioness king/queen of the jungle you need a digital marketing consultant / freelancer to help you navigate digital marketing, you might want to focus in your graft i.e. lawyer/ accountant/ manufacturer/ dentist even electrician or a plumber. Let me help you as digital consultant with generating lead through Google Map listing/ Apple Connect and Bing Business Place. I have already helped some who gets monthly calls from clients/ customers who are already searching for them. I am sure you already know that customers and/or clients are searching for your product/ service online but they can't find you. You can't be a lion who hunts by himself . For all three no longer @ R 3 0000 but @ R 2 000 however if you just want google Map @ R 950. Facebook monthly paid Ads @ R 2 500..still come cheaper than having an internal Marketing/ social media guy. Call or whtssap me on 069 334 2700/ 079 832 4868. You can also be that lion that never have to eat grass. The question is if not you then who and if not now then