Business opportunity - Johannesburg

Saturday, 07 March 2020

Item details

City: Johannesburg, Gauteng


Contact name Kenny

Item description

Here's a summary of this awesome business.
You basically buy into owning a shop for R740 once off
In this shop there are products that people need :-
▪Travel Savings & Discounts - R250 per month
▪Funeral Covers - from R100 per month
▪Medical Club - R150 per month
▪Airtime & Data - Any amount, from R20.
▪Telkom Bundled Deal - R380 per month
▪Books - R395 or R641 once off.
and more products to be added
Products like
Medical Aid
Herbal Medicine
Car Insurance
Groceries etc
And you refer these products to people who want them
You earn every time they pay, continuously.
For all this it only cost you R140 per month plus your base product.
But more importantly, you get to set up others to have their shops too
You earn R500 instantly when you sign up an Ambassodor (a shop owner)
And you earn monthly for a network of shop owners who pay their monthly business fees and their base products.
Let's say you build a team using a power of 5 shop owners who duplicate this 4 levels down
You Earn monthly
5 x R50 = R250
25 x R30 = R750
125 x R20 = R2500
625 x R50 = R31250
A total of R34 750 per month*
This excludes the referral income from additional products only sales from all your network of shops,

If you are a *goal-getter* who works with *the Power of 10* and your team does the same, you are looking at :-
10 × R50 = R500
100 × R30 = R3000
1000 x R20 = R20 000
10 000 x R50 = R500 000
A total of R523 500 per month*
This excludes the referral income from additional products only sales from all your network of shops.

What will make you succeed is 4 things :-
➡ Share about our products and business opportunity every day.
➡ Teach & Coach everyone about the basics of the business.
➡ Buy all the products you need on ADDaBIT.
➡ Pay your monthly business fee (R140) and your base product (R250 or R100)

There is no business like ADDaBIT, just like your own shop, you earn INSTANTLY, as the business owners pay, and clients pay for their products,

You can withdraw your money up to R5000 daily, through an Instant Money Voucher or an EFT to your bank account or through the upcoming MasterCard.

Pay R740 once, and start paying for your business fee and base product 30 days later

ABSA ATM DEPOSIT - (R760 to cover ATM charges)
BankBranch code 632005
Account: 4090556144
Amount R760 at ATM or R740 by EFT/Card Payment
Use you unique ADDaBIT Wallet reference

Get in, NOW. And start working for your goals. promo=R2Y24Y5WVF76