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Abis Truth Verification Lie Detection services (R 400 per test) - Johannesburg
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Item details
Johannesburg, Gauteng
Offer type:
R 400
Item description
Do you need staff to be screened that commit fraud, steal, or hand out information about business to rival companies?
I would like to present to you the services that I render. I will be available to assist on any matter where you identify possible employee risk in terms of fraud, theft, corruption, or just lying on his CV. I also have various systems to profile new clients who on the end of the day disappear without paying.
With more than 18 years previous service in Government as a specialist investigator I can provide the following services to my clients
• Pre - employment screening: you can limit the influx of criminals into your work place. In the case where staff delivers bad service or steals from you or your client we can detect it. With minimal costing to your company.
• Screening of current employees: current staff can be questioned on the FVSA system on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis in order to secure their positions in the work place
• Incident screening of staff: incidents can be investigated and staff can be questioned on the FVSA system.
• Personal assessment forensic interview questionnaire: The examiner will do this in a friendly and open discussion with the applicant. This is generally more accepted and inspires the applicant to give more assistance.
• Past employment reference validation: Our Company thoroughly investigates applicants past work history as declared on the CV.
• Personal tracing of individuals: Systems will be utilized in order to profile any person evading you due to debt or future employee.
• Special investigations: Stolen and lost stock / goods or cargo as I have years of investigative experience in the Customs border trade as an operations manager.
We utilize the Forensic Voice Stress Analysis system to analyze voices and to detect deception during an interview
VSA v5 runs on your laptop computer instead of utilizing a heavy, unwieldy suitcase sized machine.
VSA is as Reliable & Accurate as traditional Forensic Psycho physiological Detection of Deception techniques such as polygraph and analogue VSA machines.
VSA, like polygraph, when used for the purpose of “detection of deception”, is limited by definition to face-to-face examiner / examinee interaction, with the examiner restricted to utilizing specifically designed and implemented test protocols and exacting analysis requirements. Unlike polygraph however, VSA does not require attachments of invasive and at times uncomfortable body sensors that tend to create unnatural stress.
With VSA the voice ‘micro-tremor’ is governed by the central nervous system and reacts to the psychological stimuli (the question) in the same time frame as does polygraph, the difference being that with VSA, the ‘micro-tremor’ recovers almost instantly, whilst with polygraph the required recovery time is 30 seconds or more. The process is therefore far more user-friendly as there is no artificial waiting time between question sets.
A skilled polygraph examiner requires approx 2,5 hrs per person to conduct a specific ZOC type examination. The same examiner can conduct the same examination in 45 mins via VSA. VSA is 99% less prone to Countermeasure practices. This is because during the approx 0,25 sec timeframe that it takes to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, there is no CM that a subject can produce to skew the response. VSA does not account for pitch or tone of voice.
The VSA System’s capabilities match those of mechanical, electronic, and computerized polygraph systems. For purposes of detection of deception, the VSA has obvious advantages for both the examiner and the examinee.
Whilst the analysis and scoring of polygraph tracings is a time consuming labour, the scoring of VSA tracings is far quicker. The examiner looks for 3 basic ‘telltale’ signs of lying: Hard Stress (blocking); Cyclical Rate Changes and the Order/Disorder of the Lead-in Leg.
What is the principal behind Voice Stress testing?
We get this question quite a lot as most people are familiar with Polygraph test due to its exposure on the television and very few programs feature VSA test as it is a relative new technology and not as visual at Polygraph.
For this purposes the producers of programs and movies make use of old analogue polygraph machines (needles & ink systems) for their display purposes.
Basically the VSA test comprises the measurement of the flexibility of the vocal cords. As one starts to stress and enter into the “fight, flight or freeze (FOF)” mode, the body undergoes several changes to cope with the danger at hand. One of these changes is the body reduces blood to the extremities and utilizes it in the major muscle groups located mainly in the upper body. This causes the muscles in the throat to tighten and the basic frequency of the voice changes.
In the late 40’s Dr. Olof Lippold from the University College in London discovered all humans had a base frequency of between 8 to 12 hertz when in a normal state.
As he put it in his report named PHYSIOLOGICAL TREMOR, “A slight oscillation at approximately 10 cycles per second accompanies the normal contraction of voluntary muscles. It appears to be caused by a “hunting” mechanism in the reflex that controls the muscle”
Once we enter into the FOF syndrome, this basic frequency is diminished and is significantly less.
I would like to present to you the services that I render. I will be available to assist on any matter where you identify possible employee risk in terms of fraud, theft, corruption, or just lying on his CV. I also have various systems to profile new clients who on the end of the day disappear without paying.
With more than 18 years previous service in Government as a specialist investigator I can provide the following services to my clients
• Pre - employment screening: you can limit the influx of criminals into your work place. In the case where staff delivers bad service or steals from you or your client we can detect it. With minimal costing to your company.
• Screening of current employees: current staff can be questioned on the FVSA system on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis in order to secure their positions in the work place
• Incident screening of staff: incidents can be investigated and staff can be questioned on the FVSA system.
• Personal assessment forensic interview questionnaire: The examiner will do this in a friendly and open discussion with the applicant. This is generally more accepted and inspires the applicant to give more assistance.
• Past employment reference validation: Our Company thoroughly investigates applicants past work history as declared on the CV.
• Personal tracing of individuals: Systems will be utilized in order to profile any person evading you due to debt or future employee.
• Special investigations: Stolen and lost stock / goods or cargo as I have years of investigative experience in the Customs border trade as an operations manager.
We utilize the Forensic Voice Stress Analysis system to analyze voices and to detect deception during an interview
VSA v5 runs on your laptop computer instead of utilizing a heavy, unwieldy suitcase sized machine.
VSA is as Reliable & Accurate as traditional Forensic Psycho physiological Detection of Deception techniques such as polygraph and analogue VSA machines.
VSA, like polygraph, when used for the purpose of “detection of deception”, is limited by definition to face-to-face examiner / examinee interaction, with the examiner restricted to utilizing specifically designed and implemented test protocols and exacting analysis requirements. Unlike polygraph however, VSA does not require attachments of invasive and at times uncomfortable body sensors that tend to create unnatural stress.
With VSA the voice ‘micro-tremor’ is governed by the central nervous system and reacts to the psychological stimuli (the question) in the same time frame as does polygraph, the difference being that with VSA, the ‘micro-tremor’ recovers almost instantly, whilst with polygraph the required recovery time is 30 seconds or more. The process is therefore far more user-friendly as there is no artificial waiting time between question sets.
A skilled polygraph examiner requires approx 2,5 hrs per person to conduct a specific ZOC type examination. The same examiner can conduct the same examination in 45 mins via VSA. VSA is 99% less prone to Countermeasure practices. This is because during the approx 0,25 sec timeframe that it takes to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, there is no CM that a subject can produce to skew the response. VSA does not account for pitch or tone of voice.
The VSA System’s capabilities match those of mechanical, electronic, and computerized polygraph systems. For purposes of detection of deception, the VSA has obvious advantages for both the examiner and the examinee.
Whilst the analysis and scoring of polygraph tracings is a time consuming labour, the scoring of VSA tracings is far quicker. The examiner looks for 3 basic ‘telltale’ signs of lying: Hard Stress (blocking); Cyclical Rate Changes and the Order/Disorder of the Lead-in Leg.
What is the principal behind Voice Stress testing?
We get this question quite a lot as most people are familiar with Polygraph test due to its exposure on the television and very few programs feature VSA test as it is a relative new technology and not as visual at Polygraph.
For this purposes the producers of programs and movies make use of old analogue polygraph machines (needles & ink systems) for their display purposes.
Basically the VSA test comprises the measurement of the flexibility of the vocal cords. As one starts to stress and enter into the “fight, flight or freeze (FOF)” mode, the body undergoes several changes to cope with the danger at hand. One of these changes is the body reduces blood to the extremities and utilizes it in the major muscle groups located mainly in the upper body. This causes the muscles in the throat to tighten and the basic frequency of the voice changes.
In the late 40’s Dr. Olof Lippold from the University College in London discovered all humans had a base frequency of between 8 to 12 hertz when in a normal state.
As he put it in his report named PHYSIOLOGICAL TREMOR, “A slight oscillation at approximately 10 cycles per second accompanies the normal contraction of voluntary muscles. It appears to be caused by a “hunting” mechanism in the reflex that controls the muscle”
Once we enter into the FOF syndrome, this basic frequency is diminished and is significantly less.