LipoGon the future of lipolysis injections - Johannesburg

Monday, 3 August 2015

Item details

City: Johannesburg, Gauteng
Offer type: Offer


Contact name Elaine
Phone 0118271115

Item description


Lipolysis is an innovative, gentle and non-surgical method to remove the accumulation of fat deposits in specific regions of the body. It is one of the safest methods for removing double chin, and fat around the waist, inner thigh and abdomen, under the upper arms, knees and ankles.

It is also an extremely effective method for combating cellulite. Lipolysis is used to improve the effects of dieting and exercise.


People who would like to remove small to medium size fat pockets in targeted areas of the body, but don’t want to undergo surgery. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as anyone who is allergic to soy, has stroke histories or those who recently recovered from cancer, those with blood clotting history, as well as those on heart disease medication, should not consider the treatment. People with iodine or caffeine allergies should not use the cocktail.


The results vary according to the patient’s age, skin type, weight and lifestyle. Some people see results immediately, whereas others notice a gradual change over a period of weeks or months.

Since Lipolysis is effective in dissolving surplus fat and helping the body to block fat storage, the results are permanent. Improved blood flow to the targeted areas and the enhancement of lymphatic drainage, combined with the removal of fibrotic tissue result in a visible reduction of the orange peel effect associated with CELLULITE.


Since it is a non-invasive procedure, patients can return to work immediately after the treatment.

• Avoid hot showers and baths should best be avoided for eight hours after treatment.

• Refrain from excessive exercising and massages for the first week after treatment.

• It is a relatively painless procedure although patients may experience discomfort from the initial injection pricks. Light swelling, redness and a burning sensation may be experienced at the targeted areas for one to four days. Light bruises will disappear within a week.

• In rare cases, some hardening may occur (deep haematomas, bruises), but these disappear by themselves after 2-6 weeks. Altogether, the therapy can be regarded as low in side-effects. If a person has a low pain threshold it is recommended that the patient take a light pain killer after the treatment.


• LipoGon contains no animal products.

• It is not a hormonal treatment and contains no hormones.

• It is not a medical treatment and falls into the mesotherapy range of treatments.