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Great content writers wanted - Johannesburg
Friday, 05 July 2019
Item details
Johannesburg, Gauteng
Item description
iGaming Digital needs new writers. Those who have the passion and willingness to make great content - please respond to us with a short description of yourself and a sample of your work.
Adaptability - further your team efforts by going above and beyond.
Passion - you strive to create the most useful content for our partners with skill and accuracy.
Excellent - level of English, even better if you have previous iGaming experience and understanding of SEO.
• No fluff or sales tones.
• No unreliable internet connection.
• No plagiarism or spinning content allowed.
This is your chance to rise - get in touch!
Adaptability - further your team efforts by going above and beyond.
Passion - you strive to create the most useful content for our partners with skill and accuracy.
Excellent - level of English, even better if you have previous iGaming experience and understanding of SEO.
• No fluff or sales tones.
• No unreliable internet connection.
• No plagiarism or spinning content allowed.
This is your chance to rise - get in touch!